I'm bound to write on some interpretation or lack of understanding on some obscure topic here. As I often do research background for my writing on social media and even for everyday discussions.

I have also worked in academia for several years at Aalto University in Finland and assisted in building an innovation center at CERN in Switzerland, where I ended up also assisting various research efforts. Nothing big, but something truly fascinating. Most of this has had something to do with technology, understanding technology and product development, sometimes teaching on those topics. With my work and studies in Aalto being heavy on product development, thinking from multiple points of view and understanding new things are core activities in just that. So I often end up analysing everything. You could even say I have a tendency to obsess about some things, but I leave that for your judgement.

I hope I will be able to curate a nice set of articles and links also on scientific research and how to understand or interpret it more successfully.

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Thoughts on current events

Posted by Peter

6 min read