So I've decided to write about security on this site. I read a lot about computer security, I follow internet culture and my work often takes me down this path too. You may or may not recognise some of the event I'll feature here. I imagine best talks will be linked here at some point.

Security is an important topic that is often overlooked in both large companies and startups. The reasoning is usually efficiency, cost or sometimes lack of knowledge and clear understanding of the risks. I hope to increase that understanding on this site and provide some helpful links to go with my sometimes hard to understand ramblings.

I see security often in the same position as design. It is treated as something you add to a product or bring in when you have a core idea formed. But the truth is you get the most benefit the earlier you involve other experts in your work. I'm speaking form an engineering point of view here but this translates between disciplines. Feel free to imagine the disciplines swapped around in this text.

I come form a multidisciplinary background, but security is one of the domains that carries a big interest for me and where I end up keeping my knowledge current and updated.

I'm also writing to have a record of my own thoughts and somewhere to store my links. I'll try to link comprehensive sources for most articles.

~ Read next post in security ~

COVID-19 Security: video chat

Posted by Peter

5 min read